Self-Empowerment is Key to Perseverance

“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” - Oprah Winfrey

Women’s History Month shined a light on how powerful female voices are and will continue to be. No matter the challenges we face, it is possible to stay positive and persevere. Once we recognize our own power, we can practice self-advocacy with genuine confidence. We cannot control other people’s decisions but we can own what we allow ourselves to accept and how we continue to evolve. 

The path to finding our inner power is a personal journey that unfolds as we remain open to new possibilities. This lifelong process of self-discovery takes vulnerability, humility, and a dose of reality. In the book The Four Agreements, the author addresses the concept of being entrapped in our own worlds (“dreams”) and having the power to shape our experiences. A strong base of both personal and professional relationships can make our individual worlds more meaningful, and give us the strength we need to engage effectively with other people entrenched in their own worlds. 

Throughout Women’s History Month, we have been inspired to see women voices shine a light on self-empowerment and perseverance. We hope that both women and men can continue to focus on supporting each other, to channel their uniqueness and create an abundance of collective strength, opportunity, and prosperity.